Monthly Fellowship:

Even 3rd Saturday of the month at 4:30pm, CICF meets as an entire fellowship for worship, prayer, and Bible Study at Calvary Church.

Friday Prayer:

The first Friday of every month at 8pm, CICF families take turns hosting small group prayer.

Men’s Fellowship:

Every other month, CICF men gather together to learn, grow and edify each other.

Women’s Fellowship:

Every other month, CICF women gather together to meditate on God’s word, share, and encourage one another.

Children’s Ministry:

During our monthly fellowship on the 3rd Saturday, kids of all age groups – preschool, elementary, middle school and high school – actively engage them in God’s word through breakout sessions.

Junior & Teen Bible Quiz (JBQ/TBQ):

As part of CICF Children’s ministry, we participate in the Bible Fact-Pak quiz tournaments at District, Regional and National levels for Novice and Experience level.

  • 2018-2019 NC District Champs (Novice) .
  • 2018-2019 Nationals (Experience) 8th place in their division and 18th in the nation.